Steam trap software:  A leading Steam Trap Management Software

Easily manage and analyze your steam system, and steam traps.  Analyze steam loss, maintenance cost, and failure trends and more.A new generation of steam trap management software
The Advanced Steam Trap Management Solution
This is the software you've been waiting for!  SteamWorks Pro is a Windows based system designed to easily let you manage and analyze your steam system, and steam traps.  Analyze steam loss, maintenance cost, failure trends and more.

  It was built from the ground up with you in mind, and it was built by a team of both professional software developers AND steam energy specialists.

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Click here to get you FREE fully functional Trial version.

  • Free Trial Version
  • Easily maintain and analyze steam trap info, test/survey data and maintenance data
  • Y2K Compliant
  • Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP Compatible
  • Simple Pricing Structure
    • Unlimited number of traps
    • Network ready out of the box
    • $1995 for the software
    • $500 for each additional user
  • Exclusive RapidAdd feature makes for simple and fast data entry
  • Exclusive Report Pilot makes it as easy as 1-2-3 to create even the most sophisticated reports
  • 30 days free technical support
  • Free email support

  SteamWorks Pro - System NavigatorSteamWorks Pro -  Trap MaintenanceSteamWorks Pro -  Trap & Test/Audit EntrySteamWorks Pro -  Report Pilot
         System                   Trap                   Test/Survey            Report
      Navigator            Entry/Setup                  Entry                    Pilot

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Here are some questions you should ask of any steam trap management software your considering for purchase.

**Click on the question to see our answers.

  • Can I pay one low price and enter as many traps, and as much history as I want?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro has a very simple pricing structure and puts no limits on the amount of data you enter into the system.  The software maintains a complete history of all trap, test/survey, and maintenance data you enter.  All of this data is maintained is a professionally designed relational database.
  • Can I easily add additional users, at a reasonable price, and give them complete access to the software?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro costs only $1995 and is networkable right out of the box.  Each additional user license costs only $500.
  • Can I try the software before I buy it?

    • Yes.  You can download a fully functional copy of SteamWorks Pro at not cost, before you buy.
  • Does the software company provide FREE support during the startup period, and FREE online support?

    • Yes.  After purchasing the software, you get 30 days free unlimited phone support, and free online support as long as you own the software.  Other flexible and cost effective support options are also available.
  • If the software doesn't include a field of data that I need to track about my traps, does it allow me to define my own fields?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro allows you to define up to 5 user customizable fields.  You define the name of the field and the valid options for that field.
  • Does the software allow you to easily add new traps and new survey data on the same screen, at the same time, to make data entry as simple as possible?

    • Yes.  The test/survey entry screen allows you to quickly add survey results and, if needed, new traps on the same screen!
  • Can I add photographs into the system?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro allows several different options for saving photos. The trap screen has a place holder for photos of each trap. The model table allows photos of each model. The application section allows pictures or diagrams for the proper application of the traps.
  • Does the software use dropdown list to pick commonly used values, and can I dynamically add options to these lists on the fly during data entry?

    • Yes.  Many, if not most, of the fields in SteamWorks Pro are user definable dropdown lists.  Our exclusive RapidAdd feature allows you to dynamic add choices to any of these list on the fly during data entry.  This eliminates the need to interrupt your data entry and change to a different screen.
  • Can I sort and filter any data screen, by ANY field I want?

    • Yes.  By using the built-it menubars, toolbars, and shortcut menus (right-click menus), you can select any field and filter the data by the current value, or filter to exclude all records with the current value.  You can also select any field of data and sort all data on the screen, by that field, in ascending or descending order.
  • Is the software Y2K compliant?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro is certified to be fully Y2K compliant.
  • Can I maintain data for separate facilities and customize the software for each facility?  If so, what is the additional cost?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro allows you to create and maintain separate datasets for different companies/facilities.  Each dataset can have its own unique set of drowndown lists, and the company name can also be customized and is displayed on all reports.  This functionality is built into the software and there is NO additional cost involved. 
  • Can I customize the reports by putting my company name AND logo on them?

    • Yes.  You can modify the company properties for the current dataset, and set the company name, which is printed on all reports.  You also have the added luxury of inserting your company logo, and it is also displayed on all reports.
  • Is the reporting feature easy to use and does it give me a wide range of flexibility in selecting the definition of the report.  Also, when picking criteria for the report, does it allow me to pick multiple items from a list, not just one or all?

    • Yes.  The SteamWorks Pro Report Pilot is a Wizard that easily guides you through the process of creating a report.  You can define the report by selecting criteria for almost any field in the system.  When the field has a list of options, you can choose as many or as few items from the list as you want.
  • Can I easily export report results to a word processing or spreadsheet program, and can I email the reports?

    • Yes.  While you have any SteamWorks Pro report in preview, you can export it and/or email it with the single click of a button.
  • Has the software been designed following good Microsoft Windows design principles so that it has the familiar look and feel of most Windows programs?

    • Yes.  SteamWorks Pro was designed by Microsoft Certified Professionals, following standard Windows "rules" of design and look-and-feel. Our software behaves in a way that you are already used to.  This familiarity easies the learning curve for the software since much of the functionality and common tasks you already know!

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   $ PRICING $


SteamWorks Pro ™


   Each Additional User License $495.00
Standard Yearly Maintenance Contract $495.00
   Each Additional User $99.00
Enhanced Maintenance Contract $695.00
   Each Additional User $149.00
Per Incident Paid Phone Support $90.00
On-Site Training (per day) $1200.00

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